Pablo and the Gold of Montezuma (ST) Cheats + Steem Boiler tutorial

basic tutorial for Steem Debug

This game appears on several compilation disks, I have provided cheats for two such disks.

D-Bug Menu Disk 132

config note – STF, TOS 1.00, 1 MB RAM

Inf. Lives

@E946 replace 53 with 4A

Inf. Time

@D542 replace 9280 with 4E71.

Inf. Bullets (after collection a gun)

@DBC4 replace 53 with 4A


Neon Lights #4

config note – STF, TOS 1.00, 1 MB RAM

Inf. Lives

@026D46 replace 53 with 4A

Inf. Time

@25942 replace 9280 with 4E71



Pablo in the first mine

Contra\Gryzor (C64) Action Replay Cheats

Inf. Lives


Keep upgraded weapon after death


Stop Countdown


No projectile\kamikaze men collision

note – enter these at the ‘NUMBER OF PLAYERS’ screen before play starts.


No projectile collision (Target Levels)

note – enter these at the ‘NUMBER OF PLAYERS’ screen before play starts.


Beast Busters (Amiga) Action Replay cheat

note – doesn’t play nice with older Action Replay models mk 1.0 or 1.5

Infinite Credits

Action Replay II & III

TFD 19150

or on AR II it might be faster just to…

m 18a88 4A


Yvonne-pic FYI or whatevs

If you use WinUAE then you could alternatively use the integrated debugger. Start the game then use the key combo (SHIFT+F12), to enter the cheat here notice the prompt at the bottom of the debugger window, the form looks like this

W 18a88 4A

type that in exactly as you see it (note the capital W), press enter then type ‘g’ (no quotes) and press enter again, then close off the debugger and play. Simple, eh?

Thunderboy (Amiga\UAE) Collision cheat


This game has no less than twenty five one-hit kill collision checks. Imagine yourself sitting there in an air conditioned room making all those manual edits using Action Replay…and then you have to know all the offsets…and the offsets will change on different machine configurations. Forget it.

Load the game up in WinUAE and make sure the game has started proper so you are actually in the game, then make a save state…but no so fast. You will notice under the save game File name prompt it says ‘WinUAE snap shot files (*.uss)’, left click that and select ‘Uncompressed (*.uss) and then click save.

Now, deep breaths, you won’t be expecting this – open the save state file you created with your trusty hex editor (e.g. XVI32) and replace all occurrences of the following string

29 7C 00 00 00 01 84 12

Replace with

29 7C 00 00 00 00 84 12

Save the changes you made in the hex editor and close it off. Now, go back to the emulator and load the save state.

tbd Yes! Now there are no more one-hit kills, enemies safely pass through- you’re invincible!